Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Luke - 5 months

It's hard to believe Luke is 5 months old today. When I think back to his birth I can still intensley feel my anxiety after they started my epidural, when I wanted to get up and walk out of the OR. Good thing I was numb from the waist down AND strapped to the table YIKES! I was afraid of being a new mom alone. It didn't take long before I knew there was nothing to be afraid of. By the time evening had come around and most of the meds had worn off I already knew what a blessing and special baby he was going to be. Jack will always be my first, and Luke... it was just the two of us our own and we're doing it! I was afraid, I worried that I'd have enough love to be both mom and dad to him, but I soon realized there was nothing to worry about. He is a happy little guy and he KNOWS he is loved so much. He's teething right now, Grammie called to say that he wasn't having a very good day... sorry little man. It's a good thing babies can't remember how much pain those teeth cause. Anyway, Happy Birthday to you Lukey! Mommy loves you more than you'll ever know.

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